
Jul 15

It’s All About You

Your health and well being are my priority! Making your first appointment with me will enable me to help you reach your goals. Regardless of it is to help you decrease your stress/ help you relax or if it is to help you manage an injury, I want to help as much as I can!

Your first appointment- getting to know you and about what has brought you to book an appointment with me is crucial to getting what you need out of the appointment. Filling out a health history form and having you read and sign a consent to treatment form will help me to ‘see’ and inquire about any additional information that I may need before we design your treatment plan.

10% discount? No one likes to try a new therapist or visit a new place and pay full price, but getting a 10% discount for your first visit definitely helps. Those who are 63 years old or older( better) will always receive 10% off!

How easy is it to book?

I have a very convenient and user friendly online booking system that makes booking an appointment at any time of day as easy as pie! No more waiting for typical business hours to book your appointment, simply log on and book yourself in any time of day or night! No more waiting to call and book during “normal working hours” I am also available via text and email any time of day and giving me a call most times of day will also allow you to ask for any specific times that may not show on the online booking.

I have made my settings on my online booking so that I can take last minute or emergency appointments. My clients will tell you that there have been many times that I have moved things around or worked later etc to accommodate their needs/ circumstances allowing them to receive the treatment that is requested. I will always do my best to be available to you! I know from personal experience that sometimes waiting for an appointment can make the situation/ problem worse and I do not want my clients to have to go through that if I can help it!